With two potential final works on the go right now it is all about seeing what is going to work and what isn't. When I initially chose this SITE space(painting studio) I had in mind an idea for a large lightbox in a pitch black room. The plan is for 4 x-ray boxes which will each be covered by a segment of the larger Odessa scene. The image will be layered up, the whole work being comprised of 5 or more layers on transparency. The transparency is available in a size large enough to cover each lightbox.
Proposed idea 4 x (500mm by 1470mm) lightboxes with transparency
Random lightbox ideasThe projection into a misted area is still a possibility, though perhaps a bit too big for my prescribed space. So maybe I will have to think outside the box.
looking good em! when did you play with the light boxes?! how are you feeling about it? are you liking these better than you attempts with smoke machine?
The projection with mist is still definitely an option, and i will work through that idea too. Hhaha, well these pics are just renderings made in photoshop of what i hope the lightbox idea will look like, just visions that haven't happened yet!
I think the lightbox idea looks pretty epic Em! there is an amazing presence that is created by lightboxes, especially in a small room like that when they will be the only light source (blacking the windows?)
whos printing the transperancy for you?
i would also really like to see you carry out an experiment with the mist/fog and look at something like McCall's work in that sort of space as well. It could be amazing in a confined space like the painting rooms full of mist/fog and then this amazing image thats is moving and projected through/onto the fog. I can see it in my mind and it looks pretty cool. Do you have any plans to shoot anything else or you going to work with what youve got?>
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