At Pegasus you will find yourself inside a magical land of wonderfulness... the golf course, the matching houses, the equestrian club, the man made heated and treated lake complete with lakeview shopping plaza, the whole suburban package.

Drive about 20 minutes north of Christchurch and you will come to the expensively lit 'Pegasustown' sign, enter here into an abyss of empty, houseless streets and a sea of streetlights. But that's it, there's nothing else there yet.

This is a place of promised potential, nothing more yet than just an idea which many have bought into already.
I visited the model a couple of weeks ago, and it truely amazed me. The 1:100 scale model alone cost over a million dollars, and is the largest town model of its kind in the world. It was built in China and shipped over here in pieces, and contains around 53,000 trees and over 15,000 individual street and building lights!
It looks like something reminiscent of an urban Gregory Crewdson photo set.